Access More Property Listings!
Discover a hidden network of properties for sale. In addition to traditional estate agents listing property for sale, we often have access to “silent listings”.
Because of our profile in the marketplace many home owners, developers and past clients seek our advice prior to placing their property or development on the open market. Also, some people do not want to be in the “spotlight” and have a sign out the front of their home, unqualified buyers trudging through inspections (neighbours) or they might have a high profile in the public and do not want the media knowing they are selling their home. There are many different reasons why you will not see homes advertised.
The good news is … we know about them all!
Our extensive real estate agent database also alerts us to suitable properties before they list on the open market, allowing us “preview viewings”.
We know what to look for and where to look and because we are doing this full time, we are able to cover the full property “on” and “off” Market so; you don’t miss any properties at all. Having preview and direct access to the best properties provides you with an advantage over other buyers and allows you to secure your ideal property faster, saving you time, money and eliminating all the stress.
We do encourage your call to discuss all your property buying needs
Please call for more information
Negotiation Only Service on (02) 8705 3252
Through all of our service options, one theme is certainly clear.
The taste left in your mouth from a bad deal or paying too much can last a lifetime,
but the fees paid should be covered many times over by making Oasis Skeen one of the most profitable investments of your lives.
Please Get In Touch for more inquiries
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