Let’s be honest, I am just not a jealous person full stop.
I’ve always said that whenever I look at someone else that might appear to have it better than me in some way shape or form (looks, money, popularity etc.), I think to myself.
‘If I were to die right now on this spot, would I genuinely want to come back as that person instead?’
And every time, without fail, I’ve thought
‘nope, I’m good.’
But isn’t it funny how people, me included, can still want for more than they’ve got, but not necessarily DO more to get it? It’s crazy!
I realised recently, there is something I ‘am’ jealous of.
Wait for it…
I’m jealous of the life that I want, but don’t have.
I look at people like Richard Branson and think ‘now this guy knows how to live!’
Don’t get me wrong…
I don’t want to be rich or live on my own private island or any of those things.
(Though I will most definitely take them if someone is offering!)
And I am appreciative of the life I live – thanks to my children, my husband, my family and friends, but in addition to those;
What I really want is to ‘live’ my life. Not just ‘exist’.
I can think of nothing worse than just getting up every day and eating the same breakfast, getting in the same car and driving to the same job, eating the same type of lunch and driving home, watching TV and going to bed.
“Wash and repeat” over and over for a few DECADES.
Kill me now.
My grandfather did it for fifty years and got a Gold Watch at the end. #whatthe?!
In fact… full disclosure (and this is where we get intimate); there have been times where I’ve honestly thought
‘maybe if I got a terminal disease, it would force me to go out and get the life I want’.
How bad is that?!?!
Now before you get on your high horse; my sister died of a terminal disease and my father is currently dying of one – and I know… they are not living the life they want by any stretch of the imagination – so settle down.
Clearly I don’t ACTUALLY wish I had a terminal disease, it’s not an actual request, it’s a point I’m trying to make.
The saddest part of all of this though is that I (incorrectly) feel that it is ONLY with an imminent time limit that I would actually change my life. And, without meaning to speak for the rest of you, I would hazard a guess that it’s potentially human nature to only really change when you are presented with a burning platform. (it’s a business lexicon that emphasizes immediate and radical change due to dire circumstances)
Yet, it really is so easy to make this change.
It’s the simple things that would make all of the difference. And there is really no need for any of us to not do those simple things that would make such a difference!
I’d love to get up each day that little bit earlier, watch the sun rise while snuggled up in my slippers and dressing gown with a cuppa. Have some quiet me-time before the kids and hubby wake.
Then, make myself a fantastic breakfast with fresh and healthy food, nice and hot, maybe a mango smoothie to boot and sit out the back eating my breaky watching the birds chill and witnessing the forming of the day taking place.
Dancing around with my kids to music while getting dressed and ready for school and/or work, laughing and singing. Then jumping in my car to go to a place that I absolutely LOVE being at, where the people are amazing, I’m a valued member of the team and doing work I have a genuine and real passion for. To then reach the pinnacle of the day and swing by home to pick up my kids and go and eat our dinner on the beach before heading home for some snuggle time on the couch with my husband or maybe a quick run to get the blood flowing.
And a bit of chocolate.
There should always be chocolate… if you really want to ‘live’ 😉
Holidays should be plentiful. You want your kids to travel the globe and experience life to the fullest. Activities shouldn’t be forced, they should be decided on in that moment, take a surfing lesson, go horse riding, buy roller skates and take your kids to the local park to play. We have ‘the cloud’, we have skype, we have mobile phones, we have the technological means to travel the world and still be able to ‘show up’ for work every day. We have baccalaureate schools so our children can travel anywhere in the world and still keep to their same level of knowledge. We have air bnb, so no need to try to afford the ever elusive mortgage. There are ways to truly LIVE our lives.
But really, we kind of live in a box. Our home is a box, we drive in a box (car), we talk on a box (phone), we watch a box (TV), we work in a box (office), we sleep in a box (bedroom).
Why do we live in these boxes?
Because it’s a somewhat accepted standard of living.
Bear with me… A ‘lifer’ currently is defined as someone who is serving a life sentence or has stayed in the same job or company for decades. #pointmade
But why can’t a ‘lifer’ be someone who is passionate, I mean really passionate, about LIVING?
And what do we have to do to become a ‘lifer’?