
I have been absolutely flat out with auctions this week and another 2 auctions the following weekend. I love buying fantastic properties for fantastic clients for fantastic prices! This week we bought a superb 2 bedroom Victorian cottage in North Sydney with high ceilings, marble fireplaces in every room and parking for 2 cars. A spacious apartment in Lavender Bay with drop dead gorgeous views of our 3 iconic landmarks, The Sydney Opera House, Harbour Bridge and Tower. A one bedroom apartment inn Gladesville on the top floor with lovely district views and with great potential to renovate and add value.

Buyers agents’ thoughts:

1. There has been some almost outrageous under quoting from agents in the market place currently and buyers should be very wary when things look too good to be true. Buyers, please do not hesitate to call me if you are questioning the price of a property, I will send you data to make your own assessment.

2. Buyers beware, the property buyers agents industry is growing and there are numerous amounts of people joining the industry who have no experience in real estate, negotiation, and property investment in fact some do not even own a property themselves. This is all due to the 10 day buyer’s agent license (it’s a joke) Buyers, do your home work, pick your buyer’s agent on experience, performance, reputation and referral and let them do a great job for you.

3. In this hot competitive market try and buy prior to auction. If the sellers do not accept your offer you can move on and you haven’t spent 4 weeks waiting around wishing and hoping when you could be out buying another home.

4. When negotiating make sure you move quickly to secure the sale. There is a lot of gazumping going on at the moment.

Your feedback is always welcome.

Happy home hunting.