Jessica’s Story

Jessica’s Story

Jessica came to us has a first home buyer and a little intimidated of our hot Sydney housing market. Jessica actually had spoken to other professionals in the industry and they tried to talk her out of buying a unit with her relatively small budget, Jessica had been...
Jessica’s Story

3 Ways to Botch your Investment Strategy

There are many ways investors can make mistakes. And being aware of what can go wrong is the best way to avoid catastrophes occurring. 1. Relying on low interest rates. If you are making repayments on any type of home loan right now, then you should be happy as a clam...
Jessica’s Story

How to find the best joint venture partners

While there are many things you need to consider, a focus on the following should see you in good stead: – A complementary temperament: Find someone who will fill in the gaps around your personality strengths. The trick is to first fully understand your own strengths....